Government Timeline 1945/51 - A Changing Political and Economic Environment 1918 - 79

1945 - 1951: Clement Atlee (Labour)
- Nationalisation
- NHS, Welfare State
- Continued Rationing

1951 - 1955: Winston Churchill (Conservative)
- End of rationing in 54

1955 - 1957: Anthony Eden (Conservative)
- Suez Crisis

1957 - 1963: Harold Macmillan (Conservative)
- Profumo Affair

1963 - 1964: Alec Douglas-Home (Conservative)
- Lost election

1964 - 1970: Harold Wilson (Labour)
- Devaluation of the pound

1970 - 1974: Edward Heath (Conservative)
- Breaks with consensus
- Britain joins EEC
- Oil crisis
- 'Three day week'

1974 - 1976: Harold Wilson (Labour)
- Minority government, 74 government majority of 3
- IMF loan

1976 - 1979: James Callaghan (Labour)
- Winter of discontent

1979 - 1990: Margaret Thatcher (Conservative)


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