Government Timeline 1918/45 - A Changing Political and Economic Environment 1918 - 79

1916 - 1922: David Lloyd George (Liberal / Conservative War Coalition)
- Lloyd George used by Conservatives to gain power
- Liberals split
- 'Cash for Honours' scandal
- Geddes Axe

1922 - 1923: Andrew Bonar Law (Conservative)
- Relatively unknown Prime Minister
- Encouraged Conservatives to end coalition, highlighted Liberal split
- Died of cancer

1924 - 1924: Ramsey McDonald (Labour)
- First Labour government
- Exploited Liberal split

1924 - 1929: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative)
- Return to Gold Standard
- General Strike + Trades Dispute Act
- Rights to vote extended (women over 21)
- Wall St. Crash

1929 - 1935: Ramsey McDonald (Labour)
- Minority government
- Unemployment at 2 million
- National Government
- Removal of Gold Standard 1931
- Seen as traitor

1935 - 1937: Stanley Baldwin (Conservative)
- Abdication
- Retired

1937 - 1940: Neville Chamberlain (Labour)
- Appeasement, 'peace in our time'
- Began rearmament
- Resigned

1940 - 1945: Winston Churchill (War Government)
- Emergency powers Act
- Emergency Services Act
- Won War


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